Conversations with Rich Bennett

How Zorina Pritchett's ZomadicShift is Helping Families Break Free from Screens

Rich Bennett / Zorina Pritchett

Sponsored by CleverCat Marketing

In this episode of Conversations with Rich Bennett, sponsored by CleverCat Marketing, Rich talks to Zorina Pritchett, a veteran and entrepreneur. Zorina shares her inspiring journey of creating ZomadicShift, a card game designed to help families break free from screens and promote face-to-face engagement. The conversation covers her experiences in caregiving, entrepreneurship, and her advocacy for digital balance. Zorina also touches on how her game has brought families together, highlighting the importance of shared moments in today’s digital age.

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Rich Bennett 0:00
Thanks for joining the conversation where we explore the stories and experiences that shape our world. I'm your host, Rich Bennett. And today, I'm excited because I had the veteran on. And any time I talk to a veteran, it just makes my day. I want to welcome Zarina appreciate to the show. Tsarina's journey has been one of resilience, compassion and creativity. After years of caregiving, she found a new calling by creating a somatic shift, a unique card game aimed at helping kids take a break from digital screens. Thank God. At the age of 60, Zarina started Zocchi, a business with a mission to engage, educate and entertain children. She's here to share her inspiring story of entrepreneurship, caregiving, giving and advocating for digital balance. So, Zarina, first of all, welcome. And I have to say this right away. Thank you. I'm no thank you for your service, of course, but I want to say thank you for doing this for the kids. Because that's very important. If God. 

Sometimes the next thing you're going to have to do is a game for adults to get the adults away from the screen. 

So before we get into Zocchi is dramatic shift. Tell everybody a little bit about yourself, you know, because you served our country 

and you know, just how about how long you did that? Was that your intent when you got out of school or what? 

Zorina Pritchett 1:39
Actually, first of all, I want to say hello to everyone. And thank you for inviting me, Rich. Yes, I am a Army veteran. I served actually on active duty. I served almost a year because I, like so many other women, probably that happened to I got pregnant and decided that my husband at the time, we both were infantry and so. 

Rich Bennett 2:05
Oh, wow. 

Zorina Pritchett 2:06
You know, why don't you get out and finish your college education and take care of our son? Because we joined the military. Funny story, Rich. We eloped. And so my mom found out that I was. 

Rich Bennett 2:21
Wait, wait. Hold up. Back up, back up. You eloped while you were in the military. 

Zorina Pritchett 2:24
No, I just know. 

Rich Bennett 2:26

Zorina Pritchett 2:26
Say this is a funny 

Rich Bennett 2:27

Zorina Pritchett 2:27
story. So. 

Rich Bennett 2:29

Zorina Pritchett 2:29
Got married at 19. He was a little bit old. 

Rich Bennett 2:33

Zorina Pritchett 2:34
And so we had this plan that we were going to get married and we were going to let our parents continue to pay for our education. But my mom. 

Rich Bennett 2:44

Zorina Pritchett 2:45
I've been in my room one day and she came across my marriage license. So she was like, Well, now that you a woman, it's time for you to move on and start your own household. 

Rich Bennett 2:58

Zorina Pritchett 2:58
Oh, we had to get an apartment and we got us a nice little studio and you're playing grown up. But then we realized that we didn't have enough money, so we came up with this idea. Let's join the military, because we feel like it's a win win would be patriotic serving our country. 

Rich Bennett 3:15

Zorina Pritchett 3:15
And then also we can get the the build the education bills that will allow us to continue our education. So it was a win win deal. Well, what do. Process. I got in basic training and I had kitchen duty and the girl and I were dumping the trash cans. You remember those big metal trash cans? Well, when we were. 

Rich Bennett 3:39
They would wake you up with. 

Zorina Pritchett 3:39
Yeah, well, we were dump in the trash can. She let her size slip and it smashed my hand. And so I kept telling them there's something wrong with my hand. But, you know, back in the day, those veterans that are on the call, we were told not to go to city hall. Don't go to see. 

Rich Bennett 3:57
Nope. Yup. 

Zorina Pritchett 3:58

Rich Bennett 3:58
No pain, no gain. 

Zorina Pritchett 4:00
Developing to gain grain, they'd be a margin. 

Rich Bennett 4:03

Zorina Pritchett 4:04
Yeah. So by the time I got to my duty station, I had a jacked up plan, and then we went home for a little. I call it a vacay, but I forgot what they call a military when they let us go home for a little. 

Rich Bennett 4:16

Zorina Pritchett 4:17
Well, we got frisky and I got pregnant. 

Rich Bennett 4:22

Zorina Pritchett 4:23
So I found out when I was in advanced training that I was pregnant. And so when we finally finished everything, I was like, You know what? I'm going to get out and finish my education and support your career. And that's what we did. Our first duty station was Fort Polk, Louisiana. 

Rich Bennett 4:42
Oh, wow. 

Zorina Pritchett 4:43
And from there I got out the military. I finished my obligation with the reserves. Which was very helpful in helping me to continue my education. And then once I finished my education, I just really liked the military. So I had an opportunity to work with the VA for 30 plus years, serving veterans and helping them. 

Rich Bennett 5:05
Oh, wow. 

Zorina Pritchett 5:05
B planes and I retired in 2020 and then right before I retired in 2020. My brother, whom I'm a caregiver for, had a stroke. And so I had to take care of him full time because he had a brain stroke. And so taking care of him, that's how I became an entrepreneur. Once I got him stabilized. I needed a purpose. And I think everyone needs a purpose in life, something that makes you want to get up in the morning and do some good. And so that. 

Rich Bennett 5:37

Zorina Pritchett 5:38
Found that dramatic shift from a dream. And that's why we ended up here. And I tell you, I know you have questions about that. So I saved it for your question, but that's how I landed. 

Rich Bennett 5:51
First of all, because we talked before we started recording. I didn't realize that you retired from the VA. That's amazing. And thank you for that because, well, like I said, we were talking before and there's a lot of the things I didn't know that the VA offers veterans and how I need to contact the VA. So and thank you for not yelling at me because most people will because I haven't done that. So now with the VA, were you then in D.C. working? 

Zorina Pritchett 6:23
Actually, I started. 

Rich Bennett 6:25
Ah, you were down in Louisiana. 

Zorina Pritchett 6:26
Well, I started my VA career in Saint Louis. I got. 

Rich Bennett 6:31

Zorina Pritchett 6:32
Louis right after I graduated from college. And then I wanted to go back to Tennessee because I graduated from Austin Peay State University. I like Tennessee and so I wanted to go back there. I put in for transfer and Nashville Regional Office selected me and I stayed there for about 13 years. And then when my son became an adult, I was like, Hey, it's time for me to move on. So I came here to the D.C. headquarters with the VA, and so I came here in 

2003 and then retired in 2020. And I'm still for helping veterans today. In my spare time, I help veterans to get their disability claims because I want to continue to play it forward. 

Rich Bennett 7:20
So you're not from Maryland originally that. 

Zorina Pritchett 7:22

Rich Bennett 7:24
Are you from Tennessee or. 

Zorina Pritchett 7:26
I am from. 

Rich Bennett 7:27

Zorina Pritchett 7:28
From Illinois's. I grew up in Saint Louis, so I have a convent as a kind of a combination, I say, of that Midwestern in as Southern is the summertime is. Pop out because. Go on. I went to college. They for 30 years. I love the people. Tennessee is a great state and. I picked up that little Southern drawl. And I love it. I love it. 

Rich Bennett 7:55
It's easy to do. 

Zorina Pritchett 7:57

Rich Bennett 7:57
When I was down in North Carolina, it's amazing how easy it is to pick up that Southern drawl. 

Zorina Pritchett 8:04

Rich Bennett 8:04
Especially when you're dating somebody from there to watch 

Zorina Pritchett 8:07

Rich Bennett 8:07

Zorina Pritchett 8:07
used to love when they would say how momma named DeLay, you know, or every once in a while in a slip in our side fix, you know, if people like what do you fixing to do? 

Rich Bennett 8:20
Oh, God. Okay, sir. With. With the game. How. What gave you the idea of creating this game? Because, I mean, you didn't go to college for that. Right? 

Zorina Pritchett 8:38
No, I did not. 

While in December of 21, I was awakened out of my sleep. From this crazy dream. It was the dream of a game which is so magic show. And and I literally try to ignore it because I am one that did not play games because I struggled with games with being able to stay focused. I think they call that today ADHD. I just couldn't play. 

Rich Bennett 9:06

Zorina Pritchett 9:07
I'll be your scorekeeper. I guess stay focused. Enough. The numbers was. 

And stayed focused. It was very stressful for me. So when this dream came to me, it was like, Wow, I tried to dismiss it, but it really stayed with me. And so I went to the local hardware store, got some paint cards, and then I actually just start marking the cars as I see it in my mind. And so then I came up with the little prototype. I play with my granddaughters and my son family. They loved it and say, Oh, mom, can you make it so four people can play it? And I'm not telling you guys no lie. I went home, made me a good plate of food, went on my deck and say, okay, Lord, you gave me this dream that finished up the game. And then all of a sudden the mathematical formula as to how many of this car commandeer that car to give it the play, the fast play started coming to me. And so then I got some money together. After my granddaughter asked about the game, I got some money together and got a real prototype made. And then I just started all of 20 to testing it for 23. More people. And then I just decided, you know, what I noticed in my granddaughters there in their phones too much with let me say less place dogmatic. They will play it. And I asked my granddaughters, Is it because I created the game? And this is what they told me, ladies and gentlemen. They said, No, G.G., I like the game because this FAS is interactive. And most importantly, they say it creates memories with our parents. 

Rich Bennett 10:51

Zorina Pritchett 10:52
It just touched my heart. And then I did a test on tick Tock to see what is it about social media that people like that would tell you, I did that test and I started waking up. Get into tick tock. What's the latest there? So what's the crazy thing saying? And I realize that, you know, social media can be very big, very addictive. I did a. 

Rich Bennett 11:15
It is. 

Zorina Pritchett 11:15
And so I feel my even with my my grandchildren, if the parents are not all in and helping kids 

Rich Bennett 11:23

Zorina Pritchett 11:23

Rich Bennett 11:23

Zorina Pritchett 11:24
put down those screens, then my game or any other game is not going to help. I think what makes 

Rich Bennett 11:30

Zorina Pritchett 11:30
my game special is that I am focusing on creating games that you can play in 10 minutes or less, which is ideal for kids to put down their screen. But it's also helpful of parents who just don't not have a lot of time playing games. So, Zo magic. 

Rich Bennett 11:48

Zorina Pritchett 11:49
Started to be something that I really saw a select group of parents who say, Is there anything we can do other than digital games for our kids to have fun? And so that is the gap that I feel this dramatic shift can help, however. So to manage superstar ages 11 to adults. I was at any 

Rich Bennett 12:09

Zorina Pritchett 12:10
event and a little girl wanted to play it and she had difficulty. And so one day when I was swimming, I was like praying, okay, Lord, we need a modified version for the little kids. And he helped me with that one. So I have passed in play, which is for kids 4 to 10 and. 

Rich Bennett 12:29

Zorina Pritchett 12:30
I recently got my third game, which is my own creation, which is based off. 

Rich Bennett 12:37

Zorina Pritchett 12:38
Face off. That's the grab and that's a strategy type game. You're grabbing cars, 

Rich Bennett 12:43

Zorina Pritchett 12:44
matching up faces, you take in people's bonus points and stuff like that. So that's a little different from those two games. And then I'm starting on a mathematical game that kids can play to learn their math. So I'm really enjoying this at 61, really. It's like a new purpose, a new drive, and it's awesome to try something new and different and be impactful. 

Rich Bennett 13:09
So with this, because you don't have a business background, right? 

Zorina Pritchett 13:15
I do know. And that's that's something that I really hate at times. 


Rich Bennett 13:25
I take it, besides God being your mentor, do you do you have another mentor? 

Zorina Pritchett 13:30
Oh, yes. Yes, I have. 

Rich Bennett 13:32

Zorina Pritchett 13:33
I have a mentor with score. You guys never heard us score. That's a nonprofit that helps small businesses. I've also attended some conferences for small businesses, and I like to announce that the Disabled American Veterans have a conference for our small veterans, and I got selected to go this. 

Rich Bennett 13:53
Oh, nice. 

Zorina Pritchett 13:54
In October for a small business. So I picking up bits and pieces, I would like to do more reading, but due to an injury to my knee and the pain that I've been in constantly, it's been very hard to sit still and read a book when your knee is welling up and you're in so much pain. 

Rich Bennett 14:12

Zorina Pritchett 14:13
I'm trying to gain the knowledge in about business. Organically, I guess I can say Rich, that's what I've 

Rich Bennett 14:22

Zorina Pritchett 14:22

Rich Bennett 14:22

Zorina Pritchett 14:22
doing. But I think so far I've done pretty everyone says I've done pretty good. Two of my first two games are online at Walmart. I applied, Walmart picked me up one morning 

Rich Bennett 14:34

Zorina Pritchett 14:34
and. Tutoring me on how to advertise on Walmart. Yeah. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 14:40

Zorina Pritchett 14:41
So they say I'm doing pretty good. 

Rich Bennett 14:44
That is awesome. And if I'm not mistaken, those of you listening, because this does it. And correct me if I'm wrong here, it's almost got like a 

uno feel to it. Is that right? 

Zorina Pritchett 15:00
Everyone say it has to? Oh, no, when it comes to matching colors. And also people say it kind of remind them of the gang. What is it? Left, left, center, right, a right, left, something center, right. Because not only are you matching cars, but the objective is you want to be the last player holding a car so we know what. Oh, no. You want to get rid of Your car is going to say owned 

Rich Bennett 15:25

Zorina Pritchett 15:26
was dramatic. Shift is the opposite. You want to be the last player holding the card because as you match cards, you give cards away. You take cards from other players, you shift your hand, you never own your original hand. There's cards that will require you to ship your cards to the lab, ship your cards to the right, and then you have a wild card that you can use to take a card from someone. If they only have one card, knock them out the game. Or if your last match card is out of play, you have a wild card. You can place that wild card and that brings you back into the game. The other way to come back in a game is if you have no hand, someone has the card that says Give, let the right in. If you're on the left, the right of them, you don't have a card, you get their card and that brings you back into the game. 

Rich Bennett 16:18
So how long on average, how long does the game take 

Zorina Pritchett 16:20
Oh, if ever. If you 

Rich Bennett 16:21

Zorina Pritchett 16:21

Rich Bennett 16:21

Zorina Pritchett 16:22
how to play it in every game, it can be like 5 minutes. Really. Two people can get it done in three. Is it? But what slows it now really slows it down is because the antics that we have having fun because they. You have a red card and a green card. I have a pink card. And then we get a card that says left the right. That means we have to shift. So that means I'll get your cards and you'll get my card. And maybe the next Corvette pool is a pink. Well, if we kept our original, he and I would be out the game. Right. You'll still be in the game and you'll be the winner. But because we shifted our hand, I ended up winning. Because I got your hand and you got my card. So if I musical chairs with your cards matching give and taking cards from another player. So. 

Rich Bennett 17:13
So let's say I would have gotten the two pink cards. Do I keep them or do I start to pay? 

Zorina Pritchett 17:19
No pink cars. No, you wouldn't get to. Because once the paint card is the player card in one part is the match card. So in the action there, if that P card is pull and you're holding a pink card, that pink color card is out of play. 

Rich Bennett 17:36
Oh. And it goes out of your hand then. 

Zorina Pritchett 17:39
Yeah. And guess what? There is only 12 player cards, too, because remember, now the objective is to create that quick play card games for kids. Our kids are so used to video games that move very quickly. Right. So to keep their apps. 

Rich Bennett 17:56

Zorina Pritchett 17:57
I'm trying to create that. I call it this interactive digital simulation games. I call them feeds because I'm trying to simulate that constant interaction, that fast pace, but also try to create that social engagement that many of them are not getting while playing digital by themselves. And that's why kids like the game, because there's constant movement in the game, there's suspense and wondering who is going to be left with that winning hand. And even when you're out of cards and you're watching other people play, you're betting is he's going to win it. She's going to get it because you never keep your original hand. So it's just fun to play. 

Rich Bennett 18:41
Have you thought about holding a dramatic shift tournament? 

Zorina Pritchett 18:47
I haven't done any of that since I've since I'm stuck in my house. But I think it would be a great idea. 

Rich Bennett 18:54
I think got would be fine. 

Zorina Pritchett 18:55
Really will because it's just a fast moving game. And since I've created my third game, Zomedica based off, I've already sold two people that I've just demonstrated that game. They bought it, they wanted it because it plays different. It's just a little different. One of the things I would like to say about the game, honestly, that I personally like Rich is that. 

Multigenerational. How many, gang? 

Rich Bennett 19:24

Zorina Pritchett 19:24
Enjoy with your grandparents, the parents and the kids. And nobody's stressing, you know, trying to recall information. You just want to have some fun and. 

Rich Bennett 19:36

Zorina Pritchett 19:37
But what I will be honest and transparent. But some reason people want to play games the way we're traditionally used to playing like they may get their card back and just want to shuffle. You have to follow the rules. I. Tell you what car colors are your players, what cards are the matching to that, those player cars and then all the other cars. I tell you what, these cards are what you need to do once you pull these cards and once you take the time to read the instructions and as you plan, if you're not, you can't have heart. You know, you have a difficult one. Recall once you plan to say, Oh yeah, what did they say we'd do with this gift card? Oh, it says, Give one card to the person to your lap or to the right as the card direct it. What does this take card say? Oh, it's just take one card from the person to the left or right as directed. What does it say about the left and right car? It says everybody shift their hand in that direction. So if you follow the direction you're going to have some fun. You're going to have some fun. 

Rich Bennett 20:46
Which should be the case of everything. Read the directions. 

Zorina Pritchett 20:50

Rich Bennett 20:51
And one of the one of the things I love, too, because even on your Web site with the how to play, you can download the instructions, but you got a video there as well. So if people have any questions, they can watch the video to learn how to play, right? I love that. Now, the new one, Faisal. Because I don't see that on here. And for those of you who listen, if you go to z, o c, h, e Unicom, you can find the games on there. But the other one face off, ones that are going to be available on the website. 

Zorina Pritchett 21:23
Well, actually, I want to. I was thinking about waiting to the first of the year, but I'm going to try to see if I can get it before the holidays. Get my money to. 

Rich Bennett 21:34

Zorina Pritchett 21:34
Because it would face off. The difference would face off. There's no give and take. What it is, is like you shuffle up the deck really good. Put the cars in the center of the table. And so the objective of the face off is to be the player with the most space match. So, say, for example, you and they have googly eyes. So you imagine by the visual of the face, so say you had a red card and a red Corvette complete makes the face match. However, there are grab cards may say grab one left or grab one way. So that means that you get to grab one card, one face. If that person has a face, not a match, but just a face, you can grab that face to create your face match or you can grab their bonus points, but you don't know what their bonus points are because bonus points are turned over. You have bonus points that's going to give you two points, five points, and the super bonus card gives you ten points. So you add all those bonus points after you count up your actual face matches. But there are cards that says grab one face match. So you got to in face match, someone grabbed that card. They can take one of your matches. I have seen people have very little matches, but grab about what ended up by chance getting all the bonus cards. But at the end of how many rounds the players want to play. You got to add up the points and see who has the most points. You may have a tie and then they can decide if they want to play another round with just the tiebreakers or just laugh it out as they had some fun playing that game. But it is fun how you got to watch the players and say, for example, you had a super bonus card and I have a card that says, Grab one left and I take your bonus card. Well, it's up to you if you strategically you will watch where I placed that card. So if you got the grab card, you know exactly where to grab that card back from me. 

Rich Bennett 23:33
Yeah. You need to bring this out before the holidays. 

Zorina Pritchett 23:36
So. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 23:38
And here's the thing with Pearson Plays of Matic's shift in the face off. I can see though, the whole family, whether it be Thanksgiving or Christmas any time, all of them playing it, because you have the little kids 4 to 10 if they see the other the older kids playing dramatic shift, they're going to want to play. 

Zorina Pritchett 24:03
Teach it on. 

Rich Bennett 24:04
Right. Give them the pass in place in their plan. And then you had the other ones. The kids 11 on up playing. And then you can have the adults playing. Oh. 

Zorina Pritchett 24:14
Also to. 

Rich Bennett 24:15
This is old family. This Re family 

Zorina Pritchett 24:18
But my sense 

Rich Bennett 24:18

Zorina Pritchett 24:19
is this, though, that was so funny because I'm not thinking that with my virgin years, 

my sense. Zomedica is three games in one. I was like, What do you mean? He said, Well, Mom. 

Rich Bennett 24:31

Zorina Pritchett 24:32
The kids. And then once the kids finished playing, the grown ups can have some fun, pull out some dollars or some quarters because you can't cheat. Right. It's a chance they'll gain. So everyone has the equal opportunity of winning. So he said, you can play with your quarters and then once you guys finish playing that, you can turn it into a drinking game. Then whoever gets. 

Rich Bennett 24:53
Oh, geez. 

Zorina Pritchett 24:54
They've got to take a shot or whoever the winner is, they you take the shot. So he say you got three games into one. I was like, Really? You say, Yeah, you do. 

Rich Bennett 25:05

I would have never thought about that. But he's right. 

Zorina Pritchett 25:12
Also for couples. I have a friend, her and her husband. They don't have any kids. They use the game to play because it's a quick play game. They will decide, Well, you know what? I don't want to wash the dishes. I don't want to either. I don't want to do this. Okay, let's play. Or you can have fun doing some other adult activities because it plays really quickly. 


Rich Bennett 25:35
So there is those of you that have all the ideas going through your head like I do now. 

This game is not expensive at all. Six $18. That's that's not it. That's good. That's what it's a really good deal. Zarina. What am I reading that right? $16. 

Zorina Pritchett 25:56
Wal-Mart. Yeah. 

Rich Bennett 25:58
Wow. All right, So here, everybody, listen, this is what I want you to do, because I guarantee you, when we're finished here, I'm going to get it. I guarantee you you're going to have a blast play in this 

order extra, because these would make great stocking stuffers for the holidays and the other thing is, I would think you're getting ready to have surgery. You're could be sitting around. Right. 

What better time than. Because I'm sure you're going to have visitors to sit around and play this. 

Zorina Pritchett 26:37
I hope so. But, you know, I don't have family here too much, 

but, you know. 

Rich Bennett 26:43
I'll come down to visit. We'll play. 

Zorina Pritchett 26:46
Well, no, I really just I really the whole thing about somatic Sue pass in place face off I. The thing that I challenges for me in business, Rich and those out there who are listening, maybe business. I know that we're supposed to focus on sales and all this other stuff. But for me, I get so much joy that when I go on Wal-Mart and I see someone bought it, I thought, Oh my God, that's a great thing for a family to create memories. And so. 

Rich Bennett 27:18

Zorina Pritchett 27:18
You know, of course people know. I did get a few people who came back and left their reviews because a lot of times we don't do that. And so 

Rich Bennett 27:27
Mm hmm. 

Zorina Pritchett 27:27
and some of the sales that I have made, they've been all over United States and stuff. And so it just makes my heart good to see kids having fun. And so I do demonstrations that schools. I did one with PTSD veterans because I wanted to introduce game play to show them that they can have a social engagement. 

Rich Bennett 27:49

Zorina Pritchett 27:50
Family, although they have mental health. Because one thing about Gabe, because I also experienced mental health from my military experience, it distracts you from the stress because it plays very quickly. I can stay focused. I love the interaction. I love when I like playing games. I like talking smack, you know, teasing people and. So it gives me an outlet to set aside my pain, set aside the struggles of trying to figure this business stuff out. Set aside the stress of being a caregiver for my brother and I can sit down with my friends or my family and just laugh and talk smack. My son thinks the game is against men because he's never won a game with all his girls. He's in a household full of more girls and he's never won the game. And so he thinks that is rigged against him. But it isn't. I would like to say a warning to your audience. If you are a very competitive person, Zo matic shift is going to make you mad. Is going to make you mad because you're going to think, Oh, I got all these cars. I'm about to win because you're thinking, Oh no, a lot of you know, you think. 

Rich Bennett 29:07

Zorina Pritchett 29:08
Where these cars are. No, I got that backwards. If you're a person when I first started, some people were like, Oh, man, I'm down to one car. I get this. I'm really, you know, I'm away. And I say, No, we're not playing. You know, we're playing. Don't. See, if if that next card is poor, you're off the game. Like, would. Yeah. It's opposite. So there would a competitive price and they'll think, Oh, I got four cars and the person I'm playing over here got two cars and maybe that person got one, I'm going to win this. And then the car shipped a sick car. And so those four cards goes to the person, to the left or the right, and you might end up with that one car that person have. And then the next car pool is that one car and you like what is over? Yeah, it's over for you, buddy. You know, So they get angry about that. 

Rich Bennett 29:56
Something you said that you're not focused on sales, You're focused on basically everybody having fun, having a good time, bonding and all that. Keep that focus, because if you keep that focus, that's what's going to drive sales. 

Zorina Pritchett 30:15
And I think I do that because the game sells for itself. I am very happy. 

Rich Bennett 30:20

Zorina Pritchett 30:21
The game sells itself because the people who bought it on Walmart, they didn't know me. They just read my 

Rich Bennett 30:27

Zorina Pritchett 30:27
profile, looked at the images and bought it and thank God that they haven't. It's been a year now and the games haven't been returned to me and I know that once people, whatever I play it, if they are into the game, they tend to buy it on the spot. But again, 

Rich Bennett 30:41

Zorina Pritchett 30:42
my passion is putting down the screen times because my own daughters granddaughters, one was looking at the screen so much, her grades were dropping in school, the other one was looking at going on these sites, talking to grown people that she thought were kids and they were from another country. So now the girls have safety devices on their phones because we have to keep in mind, they don't have they don't understand boundaries like we do. They don't have the. 

Rich Bennett 31:11

Zorina Pritchett 31:12
To say what's really good or bad. There stimulated games, stimulate them, social media stimulate them. So it's up to us as parents and grandparents and family and friends to say, hold up, let's let's play a game, let's connect with each other. And then lastly, I'll enter saying your set. Your next question is this If we're raising kids that are so absorbed into these digital devices for education, for entertaining me, how do we expect them to grow up and form communities when we are slowly eroding their social skills? They don't know how to engage each other. They don't know how to. Turns out we are the gatekeepers. I saw a commercial the other day where they used a teenage voice to talk about an iPad and how you can play your games on your iPad. 

Rich Bennett 32:06

Zorina Pritchett 32:06
So that to me alerted me, Oh my God, you're marketing to our kids now. You're marketing to. Kids. And so many of us are using those devices not only for education and entertainment. Let's just be real rich. Many parents and I'm not blaming you parents, I want you to understand this, but many of you will find yourself using it as babysitters. Mom and Dad, it's power. Can you go with your set? Play your game, honey. Are you sitting at a restaurant instead of talking about, Hey, what's going on with school? How's things with you? What's your getting to know your child? You got a little game sitting at the table. I tell people, if you really want to know your kids, you should be able to study your kids. You should be able to watch them study. You should know your child. Many of us would say, Oh, I know my child wouldn't do that. And then you find out your child did it. Because we won't take the time to really know our children. And I just want children to laugh. And that's why if you notice on my website, my slogan is creating giggles and wiggles of fun. 

Rich Bennett 33:14
I love that. 

Zorina Pritchett 33:15
That is what I want to hear when I do presentations with kindergartners and they're laughing and having fun. It really touches my heart in such a deep way that despite my pain, despite the sacrifices that I'm making at this age, at 61, when I should be in on the Bahamas in a two piece bathing suit, 

I decided that I want to advocate for digital balance. 

Rich Bennett 33:47
I love that. I love that we need more people like you because, I mean, it's and the thing is 

and this irritates me. I mean, with the phones and everything, they're allowed to use them in school. So who says they're even on their phone doing work or using, you know, you know, they're playing games. Get rid of them. Give them the social media you and I had growing up, which is looking at each other, talking to each other, playing games. We play card games and board games all the time. That. You know, when that comes back, as you get older and now they're called drinking games. It's I, I loved it when my daughter was younger, and we need to get back to doing this. And I'm glad I talk to you. We used to do game night. 

Zorina Pritchett 34:42
Mm hmm. 

Rich Bennett 34:44
And. Actually, Turner heard my voice. Stop playing with me. They kept saying I cheated. I mean, she. 

Zorina Pritchett 34:51
Well, you can't in my games unless you. 

Rich Bennett 34:53
I'm just good. Look, I'm good at Monopoly and in the game of life, you know, I. I don't. I cannot wait to get this, in all honesty, because I'm thinking of. Not just. Yeah, My daughter's 22. I knew she would have a blast, but I'm thinking of my great nephews and nieces as well. You know, some of them are young, and the next cook out. I think it would be a blast to sit around. Have the ones 11 and older. The adults play the ones that are younger. Here. You guys could play along with us, but you can do your own version. I just it's it's great bonding time. 

Zorina Pritchett 35:35
Also to with dramatic shift, you can play up to 12 players. They only going to get one card, though, because it's not. 

Rich Bennett 35:42

Zorina Pritchett 35:44
And we played it at a restaurant and it was so hilarious because of course, some people are going to get out really fast, right? 

Rich Bennett 35:52

Zorina Pritchett 35:53
CALLER, but it's still fun wondering like we were playing which one of us is going to be left holding that card. So as we were playing, the lady was like, Oh, I think you need to work on this game. Like, because she kept thinking of, Oh no. And the past pastor. Her stop thinking of Oh, no things, Illmatic. Shit is very clear. If your color comes up, you're out of the game. If you got to give that color to somebody, to the left or the right, and that's the only card you got, you're out of the game. If you take someone else's color, then they're out the game. So she finally realized that, Oh, wow. Okay. But here is the game You can play with a large group and just have fun. Just have. 

Rich Bennett 36:38
Yeah. Now, can you combine the decks? I guess you. 

Zorina Pritchett 36:42
No, actually, one day I said that once it really gets out there and people like it, I'm going to do a special edition. I have an idea in my head. 

Rich Bennett 36:51

Zorina Pritchett 36:52
Longer version. But there's no need to do that right now because I want to get people used to the this the quick played version because 

Rich Bennett 37:01

Zorina Pritchett 37:01
the longer version will be more like the other one. But I'm going to add some more twists and turns to it because like I said, I want to make games that multi-generation can play and not be stressed out, that kids can play with you and be glad they beat Papa or Mommy and say, Oh, I want you now. You just laugh and have fun. Also on a serious note now. My youngest granddaughter. When we first played it, this girl would throw her cards, literally get angry and throw her cards across the room. And we're like, What's going on? And so we didn't realize she had issues with emotional regulation. And what that is, is when you're not regulating your emotions, you don't know how to respond when you're angry and all this stuff using that restraint. And so she continued to play the game. And then finally we noticed that she wasn't doing it anymore. And I asked her what was the problem? Why were you acting like that? And she just simply said, Gee, the game gameplay is so different. And I wasn't used to that. And it's so fast and then I just didn't know how to respond to it. But then once I started playing it more and more, I started liking him more because she's very competitive and she didn't like. 

Rich Bennett 38:18

Zorina Pritchett 38:18
Because you can lose so quickly. Give you an example. We were playing it when my oldest got out of the game really fast, right? So the rest of us were still playing it, still playing it. And then remember I said how someone can bring you back in with the gift card. Well. 

Rich Bennett 38:34

Zorina Pritchett 38:35
Ended up getting the gift card and came back and won the game. And so she was. 

Rich Bennett 38:40

Zorina Pritchett 38:40
She wasn't playing the whole time. And then you come back in the last hour and then you went. So my son was like, Man, just think if this was the money, you'll be mad. You send out. You know, Wayne, get some chips. And some came back with two and three. Oh, you back in, buddy? You. 

Rich Bennett 38:58
It gives a whole new twist to poker, doesn't it? 

Zorina Pritchett 39:00
Well, you know, one day. 

Rich Bennett 39:03

Zorina Pritchett 39:05
He had a hard time accepting that. That's how you can play this game. You can be out watching who's going to win and then come back in and win the game. But isn't that how life is sometimes, you know? 

Rich Bennett 39:18
Yeah, exactly. 

Zorina Pritchett 39:19
It is like that. 

Rich Bennett 39:20

Zorina Pritchett 39:21
Twists and turns in our lives. But you know what? At the end, somebody is going to be standing and you want that to be you. 

Rich Bennett 39:30
So I have to ask. We talked about this in the beginning. Zocchi. 

Zorina Pritchett 39:36

Rich Bennett 39:36
Okay. We know where it is, though. Comes from your name, of course. But what about the cheese? 

Zorina Pritchett 39:41
Okay, so Zo g like you said, the zo is my name. The C is in honor of my mother. Her name was Siesta. 

Rich Bennett 39:50

Zorina Pritchett 39:50
So we started with a C in the 18 Y, you say, Hey, I got this amazing game. 

Rich Bennett 40:00
You're very creative. You know, Dad's 

dad. Oh, wow. 

Zorina Pritchett 40:06
And so Magic Chef, how I came up with that name, You got the zeal. But actually it's dramatic shift came from nomads because you're constantly moving the game around with the cards around the table and stuff, You know, No mass movement. And so I just put Z instead of the N, I just put the Z and then I put the shift at the end because again, you're seeing so I thought, oh, first it was going to be shifts dramatic and then it's still voice, there's no somatic shift. And so that's how I came up with the game Grand. 

Rich Bennett 40:44
You know what I think's going to be coming up for you in the future besides more games. I think in all honesty, because you're changing your change in lives with this game. I don't know if you realize that or not, but you are changing lives. You may even be saving lives. I think that what's going to happen is you're going to start seeing a lot of reviews and you're going to be seeing compliments like that. And I bet there's going to be a book coming. 

Zorina Pritchett 41:14
A book. I have a book. 

Rich Bennett 41:18
I want. 

Zorina Pritchett 41:19
Yes. I didn't get a chance to tell you. I back in 2010, I retired in the stress of taking care of my brother. I needed something for me. And so I challenged myself. I said, you know what? I'm going to write a children's book. 

Rich Bennett 41:34
Oh, come on. 

Zorina Pritchett 41:35
And so I wrote a children's book. My youngest granddaughter gave me the title, Dancing Teardrops, and I liked it. And so I just finished my book, Dancing Teardrops. It's about a grandmother. And I was spending some time with her granddaughter, and she was having her first Tea Party by the big oak tree in the backyard with her dog, Kylie and Teddy Bear Henry. And it started raining. So, of course, you know, she's sad and crying. It's so her mom, her grandmother, her nana tries to cheer her up. And so they both end up outside playing in the rain and having a good time. And it just is when her telling her dog, Kylie and Teddy Bear Henry, that next time you'll have dancing teardrops to. 

Rich Bennett 42:26
Okay. And this is out now. 

Zorina Pritchett 42:28
No, it's finished. I just got it downloaded to all the different publishing. I just submitted my copyright. 

Rich Bennett 42:36
Oh, come on. 

Zorina Pritchett 42:37
Yeah, I haven't. 

Rich Bennett 42:39

Zorina Pritchett 42:39

Rich Bennett 42:41
All right. This is just two weeks. 

Zorina Pritchett 42:42
So this is the part that I want to tell people. I am not a great writer. I always felt like I was the average writer. I could write poetry, I could write scripts like plays. 

Rich Bennett 42:52

Zorina Pritchett 42:52
I did that. But, you know, sometimes in life, you got to stretch yourself. You got to go beyond what you think you can do. And so when I wrote Dancing Teardrops, I put it on the shelf because I thought it wasn't good. You know, me criticizing myself like so many of us do. And then one day I came across an editor and she said, Oh, let me look at it. And she looked and she made some changes. And I was like, Oh, you changed my stories. You said, No, you don't have to put all the details in. And that's for the illustrator. And she said, Oh, this is such a delightful story about family bonding, resilience and this theme, 

Rich Bennett 43:29

Zorina Pritchett 43:29
the beauty in negativity. She said, You really should get this book published. So, you know, you get your money together. And she connected me with a small publishing company, and they did the 

illustrations for me and everything. 

Rich Bennett 43:44

Zorina Pritchett 43:45
And so, honestly, I am ready to put it out there. But in all transparent, I was struggling with trying to manage my health, my brother 

Rich Bennett 43:58

Zorina Pritchett 43:58
getting face up ready. I just felt like it was too much for me. I needed balance and that's it. Sometimes, you know, you can have the zeal to do a lot of things, but you got to find that balance. And so 

Rich Bennett 44:12

Zorina Pritchett 44:13
now that I've gotten my samples of face off and I'm sharing them, I did the copyright part. I'm getting stronger in preparation of the surgery. My brother is pretty much together. I'm going to revisit and her and I are going to go ahead and release the book and I'm excited about it. But there's nothing special about me. What makes me special to myself is that I care. I care about people. I've always cared about people. I've always found a way to challenge myself and share my gifts with other. And I also felt like I always want to be able to give the best version of myself. And so this is is that an extension of what I am? But most notable, my accomplishment is helping my brother recover from a brain stroke where he's able to live independently, have his cognitive skills back, be able to speak clearly. He still needs my help in managing his life, but that is my most notable achievement of everything that I've done to help someone regain independence and feel good about life again. And you were a part of that journey with them is speechless. 

Rich Bennett 45:38

Zorina Pritchett 45:38

Rich Bennett 45:41
Yeah. And the thing is, when you share that story, you inspire others. 

Zorina Pritchett 45:47
Yeah, he was the one also that made me promote peace and play to special needs. I did a class. 

Rich Bennett 45:55
Oh, really? 

Zorina Pritchett 45:56
Special needs kids. I don't know. They were on different spectrums. And every time I tell the stories, please forgive me if I have pause, you know. 

Rich Bennett 46:05
That's okay. You're fine. 

Zorina Pritchett 46:07
It touched my heart because I've never been around special needs children like that. 

Rich Bennett 46:13
Mm hmm. 

Zorina Pritchett 46:14
And they were so excited to play the game and to see that they were able I was able to modify it. I guess some people say I have a gift for teaching as well, because that's what I did with adults. But I was able to modify the game is such that whenever they play, whether they're matching cards, I would have them hold it in their hand. So they all can see it. We said the color out loud when it came to pass and play. What they do is mostly pass one card, pass all cards and it's really trying to get kids to follow direction in a simple way. And so when we would pass the card says pass one card to the lab, we'll have them lift that one card and we'll start with the person that pulled that card. That person, that player will give it to that player, and then that player would do it. So we did it slowly. So they could play the game. And one of the teachers, if you look on my website, she wrote a review on the past and play a page about how she wished me success and how she thought the game would be very useful for special needs children. And so that touched my heart that if I can create games, that their parents can also play with them and slow it down a little bit so they can have some enjoyment. Because whenever you're taking care of anyone that's disabled, it creates a lot of energy that's taken from you 

Rich Bennett 47:40

Zorina Pritchett 47:41
and you know, they appreciate what you're doing, even though they may not be able to articulate it. You find yourself frustrated and try to mitigate some challenges that you face. And I feel like when I play the game with my brother, he has played my game several times. But every time we play, it's almost like he's playing it for the first time. And then he'll say, 

Rich Bennett 48:03

Zorina Pritchett 48:03

Rich Bennett 48:03

Zorina Pritchett 48:03
I like this game, I like this game. He'll say, Oh, and see why you like it. You say, Well, I got to remember the color so I can see my vision. And then I like the way it moves around. Because sometimes, you know, I need interaction. And so he played based off and he wanted that one on the spot. He said, I really like that one. So I said, okay, there you go. And so to see how it helps him with his brain damage, to find some enjoyment in playing a simple game that he doesn't have the stress over is just another thing that makes me feel like what I'm doing. I'm in a right space even though I don't know where. 

Rich Bennett 48:39

Zorina Pritchett 48:40
I'm not able to promote it. Like I would like and do the things that I want to touch the world. Excuse me for getting emotional. I just know in my heart I'm trying to do the right thing. 

I didn't dissipate that when I launched my business in July and Walmart picked me up that same month. And then I was able to get my money together to order my 4000 units of cards and to send some of them to Walmart. I didn't anticipate falling down the stairs and. 

Rich Bennett 49:16

Zorina Pritchett 49:17
Self to where it shut me down almost. But I'm very happy for people like yourself that's given me an opportunity to do podcast and share the advocacy that I'm trying to do to help parents who want their kids to put down the screen time with. They don't have the tool in their tool box as a replacement. 

Rich Bennett 49:40
Mm hmm. 

Zorina Pritchett 49:41
Parents need to do. They need to create a game to box based on how you know your kids are so they can move from the digital. Take a break. Play with their family, play with friends or their parents. And so parents, you can do that if you just take the time to study, watch and figure out what activities your kids like, whether it's game puzzles, word, fine. Sit down. And to make up story time together. I used to do that with my granddaughter. Story star. 

Rich Bennett 50:15

Zorina Pritchett 50:16
You tell part of the story? There's so many things. It doesn't cost a lot of money for us to have this social engagement with our children. What it cost us is just some time in love and patience. 

Rich Bennett 50:30
I could see this just blowing up. And you were talking about a special edition version. I think you're going to see other you're going to be asked to come out with other versions and for some reason, no pun intended, but I just had a vision of this coming out in Braille. 

Zorina Pritchett 50:53
I hope so. I do. 

Rich Bennett 50:56
Yeah. And something you said, too. You said you launched it in July, July of 2024. 

Zorina Pritchett 51:05

Rich Bennett 51:06
Okay, Well, that's still only a year. 

Zorina Pritchett 51:09
Yeah. Which 

Rich Bennett 51:10

Zorina Pritchett 51:10
is when I fell down the steps in December. It slow me down, and then I lost my best friend in March. 

Rich Bennett 51:19

Zorina Pritchett 51:19
So bad, 

who was my biggest cheerleader who really helped me to get out of my way and see the good at what I was doing. That kind of affected my heart emotionally. And so but, you know, I'm happy to be in this space. I feel like I coming back to myself. I'm going to still try to find creative ways to continue to promote digital balance for kids and let parents know there is a solution, even though I won't be able to leave the house much. But you know, it's okay. It's okay. I just wish people would also take the time to read. 

Rich Bennett 52:05

Zorina Pritchett 52:05
Reed because I'm telling you and I'm not saying this in all honesty, because I created this game. This game is something that I have longed for myself. I never like I said earlier, I didn't get a chance to play games because I to 

Rich Bennett 52:23

Zorina Pritchett 52:24
stay focused and for me to find a game that keeps my attention span that I enjoy because it never gets to say which is different. I know that people like being who can benefit from it, and so I know that it's going to grow organically as people play it until other people. But we cannot hand our children over to the tech world for money. 

Rich Bennett 52:49

Zorina Pritchett 52:49
We can't do it. These are our children. And we got to. Socially engaged with them and have real fun that no matter how hard it is at work or whatever, we goin to your peal of relief. Believe it or not, parents, it's your kids. They give you that. They give you your why, but you got to check in with them. You got to check in with them and have fun with them and protect them. 

Rich Bennett 53:19
Absolutely. And the grandkids as well, because you think about it with the kids, if all they're learning is staying on their computer and let's face it, then Blu rays or the phones, the Blu rays are not good for your health, physically or mentally. And it's just getting passed on to their kids. We need to bring the social activity back. And I don't mean social activity like social media. I mean one on one or group settings playing games. Everybody listening. I challenge you. I challenge you to implement a game night. You know, if you can't do it once a week, start over once a month. But I challenge you to do that. And if you don't have kids, do it with your spouse. Do it with your neighbors. I guarantee you it's going to change your life. You're going to appreciate it. You're going to appreciate life more and you're going to appreciate people more. You definitely need to do it. Oh, God, Zarina, I cannot wait to get this and play it. 

Anything you would like to add before I ask you my last question? 

Zorina Pritchett 54:30

Rich Bennett 54:31

Zorina Pritchett 54:31
You said it all when you made that challenge of gay Night and those who hear you or heed to that. I know they're going to find some gay whether it's my game or some other game, to get their kids off the screens and have giggles and wiggles of fun. And that is what I want to hear in every household. 

Rich Bennett 54:52
Those of you that do purchase the game, leave a review too, because I don't know how that works with games at Walmart. I would think you would change the algorithms and. 

Zorina Pritchett 55:02
Yeah, that's the only I have all my scores with. Walmart is in the 90 percentile. The only thing 

Rich Bennett 55:08

Zorina Pritchett 55:08
is bringing me down is that people are not going back to give me a review. And so I can't get myself a professional badge yet, but I'm going to have to say hello. Shout out to Walmart. When I first started Walmart gave me a mentor to help me set up my platform and 

Rich Bennett 55:25

Zorina Pritchett 55:25
when I had issues with their advertising because I couldn't figure it out, I was in a concussion in 22 when I was testing the game. So some of the dots have to drop and so I was trying to understand their advertisement and I couldn't understand it. So I wrote to the CEO letting them know that I had asked for assistance under the American Disabilities Act. Someone told me that companies don't have to do that for business owners, but I knew that wasn't true, because if you're offering a video to help everybody, then you should help me so I can have a equal opportunity to be successful in business too, as a disabled person. Walmart promptly responded. They gave me tutorial sessions that help me to understand income, 

Rich Bennett 56:14

Zorina Pritchett 56:15
and so it's been working very well to help me understand the how it works, because you have to advertise on their platform and other ways of promoting. And so 

Rich Bennett 56:25

Zorina Pritchett 56:26
you told me that was one of the things that's holding me back, is that when people don't see your reviews now, I can pay for a review, but it's like $10 a review. And I'm going to be honest, I don't have that kind of money. 

Rich Bennett 56:40

Zorina Pritchett 56:41
I have that kind of money. I can't go out and get a part time job. I'm disabled veteran and I'm retired and plus my hands is tied up with taking care of my brother. So that's not even possible. What's possible is just word of mouth for me. 

Rich Bennett 56:58
Something I. Well, I'll save this for the end. 

Adding to the challenge that I just did. Is there anything because you've been on a lot of podcasts so far, right. Is there anything, A who says never asked you that you wish they would have asked you? And if so, what would be their question and what would be your answer? 

Zorina Pritchett 57:23
Oh, I can't think of one, but I guess one that we shared earlier about. Have I ever wanted to give up? 

You know, because no one likes a quitter, Right? And you? 

Rich Bennett 57:38

Zorina Pritchett 57:40
It has crossed my mind, especially when I'm in so much pain and I'm trying to promote the game. And one particular day I was just in so much pain that honestly, I didn't want to be here. I was in so much pain. But then I thought that this too shall pass. Eventually my knowledge of business is going to continue to grow. People are going to discover the Zomedica Ship brand. I am worthy to be in this space to bring something new and unique to households where kids can have those giggles and wiggles of fun. And so I tell. So I say, You know what? Quitting is not for today. 

Rich Bennett 58:30
God had plans for you? 

Zorina Pritchett 58:32
And that's how I do. I don't look at it from a big picture because if you look at things from a big picture, you may like, Oh my God. But if you take 

Rich Bennett 58:40

Zorina Pritchett 58:41
one day at a time, you just tell yourself, Hmm, I'm not quitting today. And I'm telling you, months and months of not seeing a sale is so disheartening as a business person because, you know, you need to make some kind of money to pay your little bills that you have. One day I was like, okay, I want to look on Wal-Mart's side. I know I'm going to see no sales because that's how I'm going to have it. Four months, right? And when I saw I saw the game. Guys, you think I won $1,000,000? 

I was so happy I called everybody. I think somebody from North Carolina bought my game. 

Rich Bennett 59:25
You know what it be? You know what's even more mind boggling? And if you haven't seen it yet, I'm sure you will. But when somebody from another country buys it. 

Zorina Pritchett 59:33
Well, right now they can't do it unless they I don't know about warm up because I haven't done and I don't know if they can. I don't know. I don't know how that worked with internationally. But guess what? I'm still. 

Rich Bennett 59:45
I can that. 

Zorina Pritchett 59:46
I'm still a toddler, so a toddler is okay would just be right here in the USA. 

Rich Bennett 59:54
Yeah, it's funny because when you it's just like with podcasting, when people first start, once they see, you know, like so many people download your episode, they get thrilled. I ignore downloads because downloads don't equal listens. What really thrills me is when I see another country is been added. Or better yet, when I get an email or a voicemail from somebody that heard an episode and it changed their life. That to me is the. That to me is the biggest reward. And speaking of which, all of you listening. So here's what I want to do. 

If this one I know it's touched you. If you heard this episode. Email me or leave a voicemail telling me what your favorite part of this episode was. I'm going to add your name to a drawing. 

Let's all keep it for 30 days after this episode airs. After that, 30 days, I'm going to draw a winner and I am going to purchase 

the dramatic shift for you and send it to you. And also the passion play part. I will purchase and donate to a day care in your name. So all you got to do. Email me, send me a message, voice mail. Let me know how this touched you. What you got out of it, and you'll be able to get a chance to get the game yourself. So, Zarina, I want to thank you so much. Keep doing what you're doing. I know the surgery's going to go well, and I know we're going to be talking again, because when the book comes out, you definitely got to come back on more to talk to you about, you know, veterans. Of course, 

when the other. I see more books in the future, more games. 

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:02
Thank you. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:02

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:03
Finish another story called Butterfly Girl's Adventure. I just finished that one. I just don't have money to do all that. Getting it together and publishing it. I would love to cut. Talk about veterans because a lot of times veterans don't know how to navigate through the process. And there are a lot of agencies that are charging them. These are nominal fees. They're help. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:24

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:24
Not necessary. You know, so, yeah, 30 years of helping them to get their claims rating disability claims, telling them how to prepare for their exams. It's all about playing it forward because they're very vulnerable, you know? 

Rich Bennett 1:02:41
Yeah, in 30 years, I think you know, a thing or two. 

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:44
I guess I do. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:50
Zarina, thank you so much. 

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:52
Thank you for having me, Rich. 

Rich Bennett 1:02:54
Oh, my pleasure. 

Zorina Pritchett 1:02:55
One last thing to the listeners. You're never too old to try something new. You are worthy of all your successes. Just give it a try and continue to be the best version of yourself. 

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